Chat Glossary

In this section we have created a glossary for you to get to know some of the chat lingo that is used on our chat or conferencing rooms. We have tried to include most of the important information you may need,  but if we forgot some information that would be important to you please send us your request so we can add it here for you to make chatting easier. Send all requests to


Emoticons,  The different expressions we use on the chat rooms.
Abbreviations, The Short term for most common used words (lazy way to talk)
Type of Chatting, This is a minor explanation of how or chat or instant message work best for you
Chat Etiquette,  This is very important to us as well as I'm sure your self (keeping it clean).
Tips and Tricks, This section is on security and privacy of you passwords and username.

Emoticons are the expressions we use in a chat or conversation in a private chat or conferencing room. When you are in the instant messaging area there are two ways to express your emoticons, one is by text or the other is by a drop down screen screen appears showing the expressions to use (growing on every update of myJabber), in your message sending screen it will not show the picture only show letters and other expressions i.e. :-) = when you send your message to another chat person it will appear as a Happy Face or what every emoticon you may choose to use.



:) or :-) =   Smiling or Happy Face
:> or:-> =   Devious or devil
:( or:-(   =  Sad
:<         = Crying or Very Sad



Just put the  mouse pointer on the Emoticon in question and click it, and it will show you the text portion of the emoticon. Press enter or the send button and your emoticon will show up to the person you are chatting with.



In the computer world of chat lingo you will see all sorts of short forms for words and expressions (we call this saving your finger tips or just lazy we let you decide) Below you will see some of the short cuts in conversations that we feel are most commonly used. If you feel we are missing some major ones please feel free to e-mail us with your suggestions at . example: AKA= Also Known As


In Any Case
In My Opinion
In My Humble Opinion
In Real Life
Just Kidding
Kiss On The Cheek
Laugh Out Loud
Laugh My A** Off
Message Of The Day
No Response Necessary
On The Other Hand
Pain In The A**
Politically Incorrect
Politically Correct
Ta-ta For Now
Talk To You Later
Welcome Back
Way To Go
What The Heck


American Online
Away From Keyboard
Back At Keyboard
Be Right Back
By The Way
See You
See You Later
Frequently Asked Questions
For Your Amusement
For Your Information
Great Minds Think Alike
Ha Ha  Only Kidding
Private Message
Point Of View
Real Life
Real Time
Real Soon Now
Rolling On The Floor Laughing
Rolling On The Floor

Type of Chat

Listed below it type of chat room we have available on the internet today. We are hoping that this will clear up any confusion you may have on the subject of  our style of chat rooms/ Instant Messaging.

MyJabber  This is popular Chat or what we like to call an Instant Messaging program. This program or style of instant messaging program is used in many different ways. It cam be used in a private or person to person chat over the internet off of the myJabber server or it can be used in a commercial version to be able to chat back and forth between offices or different locations of your company. This program also has the availability to use conference rooms for a multitude of users for meeting or just general chat topics. You have the options of private chats or conversations between two people as well. For lots more information there are two sites we encourage you to visit one is and the other is (this is for the commercial or private labeled for companies). You can develop as many different groups to keep each of your contacts organized. Their are many transports so you can keep in contact with your other contacts from other chat or instant messaging programs. i.e. MSN, ICQ, Yahoo ect. for any of the questions you may have further on this program you can send us an e-mail at  or visit or web site  its full of information and as well as a extensive help files for you to view to see how we can help you as a company or as a personal request. Oh and by the way voice chat and web cams are coming in the future.


Chat Etiquette

This section is for your security please read carefully. In this section also we explain the importance of using good clean chat and fun.

Capitals :    Typing in capitals is considered the same thing as yelling. When you type a sentence completely in capitals in a chat room, it is assumed that you are making a point or yelling that sentence. Most chat rooms frown on constant use of capitals so remember to turn off the CAPS lock key when chatting.

Language :   Most chat rooms do not permit the use of vile language within it. If you insist on using vile language in a chat room you stand to the risk of being expelled from that particular chat room. So please remember chat rooms are, family rooms (for both young and old) so please keep it clean. Thanks.

Behavior  :   Insults or other hurting statements are extremely frowned upon in most chat rooms some chat rooms will ban you from their facilities if you insist upon making insults. so please use respect and keep it clean for others to use. Enjoy the chatting.


Tips and Tricks


In this little section we show you how important it is for you the user to keep your username and password very secure and personal. Please read carefully.
Username :      When choosing your user name please be careful not to use your real name or it is not best to do so for security reasons. Be creative and think up a name that is very unique. Also we advise to keep it to one word or two words with no spaces, this is if you want to use this name in other chat rooms. Some  of the other chat programs only recognize  one word or two words with no space between them,  you can use in most cases letters and numbers or just numbers or just letters please don't use your telephone or fax number for numbered usernames please keep it private. This is only for your security, and your use only.


Password :   Password is for your use and no one else to use. It is a security password and only for your personal use it is for you to login to the instant messaging system and not for others to use this is private, please do not use your name DOB or any other information that a person would be able to figure out if you want to keep your program and conversations private. This is only for your security, and your use only.
Good luck and enjoy Myjabber !!

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